Friday, 6 June 2014
Sanjay Thapa
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Sanjay Thapa <>
Jan 3 (1 day ago)
I joined Rockvale Academy in 1996 as a small boy. I was a shy and was never into any extra curricular activities. Until later in 1999 I joined the school band and played the kettledrum. Joining the school band was kind of a turning point for me, as from then on the elements of music creeped deep inside me. I use to watch the seniors perform in Annual Concerts and envy it. I played in the school band for three years. After my ICSE in 2002 i started learning guitar by myself, buying books and guitar magazines and what not. I was in the school. In 2004 i gave my ISC and then I started playing in different bands and simultaneously did my college from Kalimpong College (Eng.Hons). After I finished my college in 2008 and experimenting with different bands I formed GROUND ZERO. I personally selected each band member to ensure that the outcome of the band was different from the mainstream. When I finished my MA (Eng) from NBU in 2011 from then on I am fully engraed into music. I have performed in different prestigious venues in and around the country with my band GROUND ZERO and winning different competition along the way but haven't yet performed in my own school my beloved Rockvale. My school has given me so much and I am glad to be a part of a gigantic Rockvale family.
Optima Thule.....
Sanjay Thapa ( Guitarist, Lyricist and Founder of GROUND ZERO)
Ritesh Kansal
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First of all, I want to lowdly and proudly say "optima Thule". sir I studied in Rockvale for 7 years and I must admit that this was the greatest and the best years of my life. Although I did not take part in any activity I did enjoy like hell watching everything.
I just want ot say that I am a Rockvalite and will always be proud to be one.
regards and all the best to rva:
ritesh kansal
icse batch 2011...
Gautam Tamang
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Gautam Tamang <>
Jan 3 (1 day ago)
I joined Rockvale Academy in the year 2000 joining in class KG.I was fascinated by football when i was in the junior section.I represented the school mini football team for an AHLIS football tournament held in Himali Boarding School in kurseong. Music came later to me when i joined Rageshree kala niketan under the guidance of Mr. Y. Ghatani my mentor. I developed the liking for music and started participating in all the ICSE and ISC fest and won many awards.The platform that i got in school has helped me tremendously as i joined college this year in Scottish Church College and won the title of Mr.Freshers. When i was in class 12 in 2012 i joined Ground Zero a famous band in Kalimpong and represented the Rock On Beat contest and was judged the winners. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our principal for his encouragement and blessings that this year our band went to Nagaland to perform in the Hornbill international Rock Festival 2013 in this contest i was judged 1st Runners up "Best Keyboardist" which is a great honor for me in this regard i would like to thank my parents,principal, Y. Ghatani , Ground Zero and all of those who encouraged me to be what or who i am today.
Optima Thule
Jessica Jasmine Everest
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Jessica Jasmine Everest <>
10:42 PM (21 hours ago)
Looking back at RVA- biggest family (not just a school).
I remember walking in the corridors. The assembly was going on at that time.Everything looked neat and tidy, like the students were lining up like soldiers in the army. The feeling of fear of being left alone was getting to me as I waited in the office. Then when I finally did join R.V.A the adrenalin got to me. I was so scared that every face I saw around me, they looked the same. I went into the classroom, people stared at me as if I was an alien lol. Gradually, I made friends and they're the best of all friends. Hey, in RVA,you don't just get taught accordingly to your chosen subjects, you get taught the basics of life which I would not have learnt if I wasn't there. The stuff like how to socialise, be independent in what you do, how to move on from certain situations and the best of all, kind of being a big family and boosting that self-confidence!* the support you get from the teachers is amazing, the kind of stuff you don't get out here in the REAL world so it's good to take advantage of the opportunities we get while we are in school.To me, RVA did not only train me for my future studies, jobs, but it trained me how to face life and the obstacles, which is the most important thing ever! I remember after I got settled in the school, every time I walked past or into that office, I took a look at myself from how I was before and how I was then. I would see the ole me, sitting down, scared of being new and different, then I did say to my self, what a silly feeling! Our little group of friends, me, Alina, rinzing, chukie and Mona, we were one crazy group but hey that's unique :). I miss the Faley and alu thukpa !!!! Munna sir dancing on every teachers day, bikas sirs joke lol, rupes sirs jokes that no one understood, the rocktober and silver jubilee celebrations. Running away every time we saw headmaster, falling asleep in miss lama's nepali class in class 8, sir adhikari's tuition early in the mornings. Even the smallest of the smallest memories are a great big deals and flash back times when you actually are away from it! I hope RVA stays the same so every new student experiences the greatness of the school that the headmaster has put so much effort into.I didn't just learn how to do the ramp walk, I've come out better then how is was when I went in, I learnt more on the value of education, life and even the smallest things that contribute to each of our lives. I have much more to say but I will probably end up with a whole book. I did only study there for 3 years but woooooow they were massive, lifelong feeling years which I did not want to leave behind. Thinking back if I come back to visit RVA, I won't be scared this time, I'll look at RVA and feel proud that I was once a part if this great big family! Three cheers to ROCKVALE ACADEMY !!!
-jessica jasmine everest
United Kingdom
Sent from my iPad
Jasmine Everest wh'd her schooling in ________
The united Kingdom tin grade 7 and joined Rockvale Academy in grade 8.
Thursday, 5 June 2014
Deependra Pradhan
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Deependra Pradhan <>
Dec 15 (3 days ago)
to me
Dear sir.
I have never been in a good books of my teachers. I dont know how many of them remember me. But I am really sure, you do.
I have spent only two years of my life in Rockvale yet I feel so good about it.. (To tell you sir, I m sure this will sound irrelevant to most.)
I was never so significantly different that one should remember me, as a student.. it was there in my subconscious mind that I was not really good in anything. And then once you took a proxy class, I think it had just been couple of months I had joined, till that time i wasn't too familiar with my own classmates, you called out my name, and made me stand up, you told me few things that you had told me during my interview for admission. For my principal to remember my name and where I was from, was something very new for me, then I also thought maybe it was by chance.
But as the days went by I realized how u remembered almost evryone by there name. How good that unconsciously did to me is beyond my capability to express. I realized this much later. I started feeling I was someone, recognizable.
I try and take this learning with me evrywhere I go, to regard people well, irrespective of their importance in my life.
Thank you.
Deependra Pradhan
Bibachan Kafley
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Bbibachan Kafley
3:57 PM (18 hours ago)
I have spent the best days of my life in this school.
It's not just the education that i have got from this school but its also the moral values which is the most important part of one's life.
I owe a lot to this school and i am very thankful to all my teachers and principal for all their guidance...
I miss my school days....
R.V.A rocks !!!!!!!!
Anu Amatya
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Anu Amatya <>
7:07 PM (39 minutes ago)
to me
Hello sir,
This is Anupama Amatya writing for the first time after passing out.
its been almost 6yrs & even today I reminiscise my days at RVA and miss my life in kalimpong.
I hope everyone is fine and in the best of health.
Good for us(ex-rockvalites) that there’s facebook , we get the updates .
I look at the pictures of 15th aug, teacher’s day, children’s day, rock2ber fest , elocution, & various other events & I kinda get jealous.those were the days!
As for me , im doing medicals here in life is full of ups &downs. Except for the hectic study hours and super stressing exams ., everything else in mbbs(the field visits,community diagnosis,college days,medical humanities, autopsy,ward duty,OPD postings & even getting scolding from seniorDr.s) is fun.
Also, I’d like to congratulate RVA for its achievements n the progress it has made and ,wish luck & success in the future.
my love & warm regards to all the teachers.
thank u for your guidance. :)
anupama amatya(icse batch 2008)
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